Guru Singh

Articles by:Guru Singh

Guru Singh is the head of growth at LabTwin. He joins LabTwin with several years of experience as a biotech researcher and a lifetime's worth of passion for entrepreneurship. Beginning his journey as a biotech engineer in India, he published numerous research papers and co-founded life science startups and foundations. After earning his Professional Science Master's in Biotechnology from the University of Delaware, Guru served as a marketing leader at and Science Exchange -- two California-based life science SaaS startups. During his tenure at, he helped it become the 9th fastest-growing company in the United States and saw it grow by 15,268% within three years.

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User Centered Design to Drive the R and D (Lab of the Future)

User Centered Design to Drive the R and D (Lab of the Future)

Steve Jobs famously said of his customers, “Our job is to figure out what they're going to want before they do.” This user-centered design approach saw Apple grow into a household name, and today there are 1.4 billion active Apple devices around the..

Integrate Voice into your Lab Informatics Strategy

Integrate Voice into your Lab Informatics Strategy

Research scientists spend 50-80% of their time at the bench with no easy way to record data or access information. New voice-powered digital tools solve this problem by connecting scientists with information at the point of experimentation.


The Digital Transformation of the Research Laboratory

The Digital Transformation of the Research Laboratory

KEY TAKEAWAYS - Digitization, the process of turning paper-based information into a digital format, makes research more efficient and reproducible, saving time and money. In the U.S. alone, over $28B are lost annually on research that is not..

Harnessing AI and Machine Learning To Improve R&D Efficiency

Harnessing AI and Machine Learning To Improve R&D Efficiency

Like other industries, biopharma is grappling with an enormous explosion of data and is turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to make sense of what the data reveal. AI allows scientists to review data efficiently and accurately, uncover patterns,..

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