Founded by Sartorius and BCG DV
People from diverse backgrounds shape our agile team
Nationalities relentlessly improve and innovate
LabTwin is a Berlin-based company led by an experienced, highly skilled management team and backed by Sartorius and BCG DV.
Founded by Sartorius and BCG DV
People from diverse backgrounds shape our agile team
Nationalities relentlessly improve and innovate
Researching opportunities to improve data capture in the lab with smart solutions (e.g. smart pen, wearables, voice.)
Sartorius team up with BCG DV to develop the project
LabTwin GmbH is created
Hiring first employees
First enterprise client (Top20 Pharma)
Scaling up to 40+ employees
First ELN integration
Expansion into the Chemical industry market
Expansion into Food & Beverage industry market
Partnering with LIMS Wizards as North American distributor
Expanded possibilities for laboratory digitilization and connectivity: labforward merges with LabTwin
LabTwin Named a Cool Vendor in the May 2020 Gartner Cool Vendors in Life Science
Alexa, do science! Voice-activated assistants hit the lab bench
Shopping For New Tech? Ask These Five Questions First
Alexa and your phone are getting schooled in chemistry