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Lab of the Future: Voice-Activated Digital Lab Assistants in Pharma

Guru Singh
Guru Singh May 20, 2020

Voice-activated digital lab assistants are one of the fastest-growing trends in consumer technologies – Siri, Alexa, and Google Home are now household names. Voice assistants allow people to naturally and easily communicate with digital tools, reduce screen time, and multi-task.

Voice assistants have become so prevalent within homes and cars, that it was only a matter of time before we would start to see them become part of our work environments too. R&D labs are busy environments where people need to keep their hands and eyes on experiments – the perfect place for a voice-activated digital lab assistant to help scientists access information and manage data.

Integration Voice Assistants


Magdalena Paluch, LabTwin’s CEO, sees parallels between driving a car and working in a lab. “We used to have printed maps in the car; then we got Google maps, then in-car navigation. The same process is occurring in the lab – now scientists print out protocols, use them to run experiments, note changes manually, then transcribe them back into digital format, which they can’t access in the lab. It’s time-consuming and inefficient. LabTwin is like a navigation system for scientists, giving them access to information while their hands and eyes are busy with experiments.” 


Bruce Demofsky, Director of Scientific Technical Services, Avantor, agrees. “Scientists are always trying to be more efficient and effective in how they do their work. The laboratory is somewhere you don’t want to be taking your eyes off the road – to go to an ELN, LIMS or MES software, or print out an SOP. Voice assistants are the next step up from traditional lab informatics systems like ELNs, LIMS and MES software. With voice, the technology is always on and always at the fingertips of users.”


To learn more about how voice technology can make R&D more efficient and bring your lab closer to the Lab of the Future, watch this webinar.



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