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    This e-book will discuss how user-friendly interfaces like voice, in combination with AI, machine learning and augmented reality tools can empower scientists and life science..

    No Need to Hire, Simply

    No Need to Hire, Simply Let Your Lab Scientists Work Smarter

    The life sciences industry is continuing to grow, which has led to a boom in available jobs without a similar increase in qualified graduates. We are therefore seeing now a life..

    Lab Trends 2023: Sustainability, User-Centered Design, Interoperability

    Lab Trends 2023: Sustainability, User-Centered Design, Interoperability

    So far, 2023 is shaping up to be the year of sustainability in terms of life science trend, with labs mindful of reducing their costs and minimizing their impact on the..

    Save time and improve data

    See LabTwin in Action.

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